Aptitude : : Area Questions & Answers

  1. The area of a triangle is with base 4m and height 5m?

A. 20 m2

B. 10 m2

C. 5 m2

D. 2 m2

  1. One side of a rectangular field is 15 m and one of its diagonals is 17 m. Find the area of the field?

A. 100 m2

B. 110 m2

C. 140 m2

D. 120 m2

  1. If the diagonal of a rectangle is 17 cm long and its perimeter is 46 cm. Find the area of the rectangle?

A. 100 cm2

B. 110 cm2

C. 120 cm2

D. 140 cm2

  1. Find the area of a square,one of whose diagonals is 3.8 m long

A. 7.22 $m^2$

B. 7.5 $m^2$

C. 8.22 $m^2$

D. 8.5 $m^2$

  1. The diagonals of the squares are in the ratio of 2 : 5. Find the ratio of their areas?

A. 4 : 25

B. 25 : 4

C. 40 : 25

D. 25 : 40