Aptitude : : Logarithms Questions & Answers

  1. If log10 2 = a, then find the value of $\log_{10}{\left(\dfrac{1}{200}\right)}$ is:

A. -(a + 2)

B. -(a + 1)

C. (a + 2)

D. (a + 1)

  1. Find the value of $ \dfrac{1}{3}\log_{10}{125}$ - 2 $\log_{10}{4}$ + $\log_{10}{32}$

A. 0

B. 1

C. 2

D. 3

  1. Find $\log{\left(\dfrac{\text a^2}{\text {bc}}\right)}$ + $\log{\left(\dfrac{\text b^2}{\text {ac}}\right)}$ + $\log{\left(\dfrac{\text c^2}{\text {ab}}\right)} $

A. 1

B. 0

C. abc

D. -1

  1. If log2 x = -6, x = ?

A. $ \dfrac{1}{32}$

B. $ \dfrac{1}{64}$

C. $32$

D. $ 64$

  1. If log4 x + log2 x = 12, then find the value of x?

A. 8

B. 16

C. 256

D. 1024