Aptitude : : Surds and Indices Questions & Answers

  1. If $ 5^{a} =3125 $, then find the value of $ 5^{(a-3)} $ is:

A. 25

B. 125

C. 625

D. 1625

  1. If $ 2^{2n-1} =\dfrac{1}{8^{n-3}} $, then find the value of $n$?

A. 3

B. 2

C. 0

D. -2

  1. If $ \dfrac{9^{n}\times3^{5}\times27^{3}}{3\times 81^{4}} =27 $, then the value of $n$ is:

A. 3

B. 2

C. 0

D. -2

  1. $ {(\dfrac{x^b}{x^c})}^{(b+c-a)} \times {(\dfrac{x^c}{x^a})}^{(c+b-a)} \times {(\dfrac{x^a}{x^b})}^{(a+b-c)}=? $

A. $x^{abc}$

B. 1

C. $x^{ab+bc+ca}$

D. $x^{a+b+c}$

  1. If $\text{m}$ and $\text{n}$ are whole numbers such that $\text{m}^\text{n}= 121$, then the value of $(\text{m} - 1)^{\text{n}+1}$ is:

A. 1

B. 10

C. 121

D. 1000