Computer : : Computer Awareness Questions & Answers

  1. What is motherboard?

A. Scanner and other things are part of motherboard

B. Keyboard otherwise known as motherboard

C. A circuit board which connects all the elements

D. It is a type of file server

  1. Small application programs that run on a web page and may ensure a form is completed properly or provide animation are known as

A. Cookies

B. Cache

C. Hyperlink

D. Flash

E. Spam

  1. Which of the following four binary digits is equivalent to decimal number 12?

A. 1011

B. 1101

C. 1110

D. 1111

E. 1100

  1. A collection of programs that controls how your computer system runs and processes information is called

A. Motherboard

B. Operating system

C. Interface

D. Application suite

E. Protocol

  1. _______ is a component of the motherboard, which is used to travel information.


B. Chip

C. Port


E. Bus