English : : Adjectives Questions & Answers

  1. Pick out all the adjectives in the given sentence.“Ramesh is a man of few words.”

A. Ramesh

B. man

C. few

D. words

  1. Pick out all the adjectives in the given sentence.“Radha won the second prize.”

A. Radha

B. won

C. second

D. prize

  1. You think John is thin. You should see his brother. He is ______________.

A. thin

B. thinner

C. thinnest

D. was thin

  1. Pick out all the adjectives in the given sentence.“She was nice to me.”

A. she

B. nice

C. was

D. me

  1. Pick out all the adjectives in the given sentence.“We can say it was a joint effort.”

A. we

B. say

C. joint

D. effect