English : : Nouns Questions & Answers

  1. Birds fly in the sky.“Birds” is a/an _____ Noun.

A. Proper

B. Common

C. Abstract

D. Collective

  1. I saw a bunch of grapes.“Bunch” is a/an _____ noun.

A. Common

B. Material

C. Collective

D. Abstract

  1. “Artist” is a/an _______ Noun.

A. Collective

B. Abstract

C. Concrete

D. Countable

  1. It saves time if you use a ______ to inflate all these balloons.

A. Hoe

B. Sieve

C. Punch

D. Pump

  1. You should never tell a lie.“Lie” is a/an ______ noun.

A. Collective

B. Abstract

C. Concrete

D. Countable