General Knowledge : : Books and Authors Questions & Answers

  1. Who is the author of the book 'A Revenue Stamp'?

A. Salman Rushdie

B. Morarji Bhai Desai

C. Rabindrnath Tagore

D. Amrita Pritam

  1. Who is the author of the book 'A Voice of Freedom'?

A. Salman Rushdie

B. Nayantara Shehgal

C. Rabindrnath Tagore

D. Amrita Pritam

  1. Who is the author of the book 'A week with Gandhi'?

A. Salman Rushdie

B. Louis Fischer

C. Rabindrnath Tagore

D. Amrita Pritam

  1. Who is the author of the book 'Apple Cart'?

A. Salman Rushdie

B. G.B. Shaw

C. Amy Poehler

D. Leo Tolstoy

  1. Who is the author of the book 'Bandit Queen'?

A. R. K. Narayan

B. Mala Sen

C. Rabindrnath Tagore

D. Leo Tolstoy