General Knowledge : : Chemistry Questions & Answers

  1. What is atomic number of an atom?

A. Number of protons

B. Number of neutrons

C. Number of electrons

D. Total number of protons and neutrons

  1. Hydrogen bomb is based on the principle of:

A. Nuclear Fission

B. Nuclear Fusion

C. Natural Radioactivity

D. Artificial Radioactivity

  1. The atoms of the elements having same mass number but different atomic number are called:

A. Isotopes

B. Isobars

C. Isotones

D. Isomers

  1. The acid present in red ants is?

A. Acetic acid

B. Butyric acid

C. Formic acid

D. Caproic acid

  1. Almost the entire mass of an atom is concentrated in the:

A. Electrons

B. Nucleus

C. Protons

D. Neutrons