General Knowledge : : Chemistry Questions & Answers

  1. Which is used as an air pollution indicator?

A. Algae

B. Fungi

C. Bacteria

D. Lichens

  1. Which disease is caused by Nickel?

A. Itai Itai

B. Dermatitis

C. Learning disability

D. Asthma

  1. The most electronegative element among the following is:

A. Sodium

B. Bromine

C. Fluorine

D. Oxygen

  1. What is the process of conversion of solid state directly to gaseous state called?

A. Evaporation

B. Condensation

C. Sublimation

D. Distillation

  1. The most commonly used bleaching agent is:

A. Alcohol

B. Carbon dioxide

C. Chlorine

D. Oxygen