General Knowledge : : Chemistry Questions & Answers

  1. Which of the following element is not a group 18 element of the periodic table?

A. Neon

B. Helium

C. Copper

D. Xenon

  1. Which one of the following acids is used in battery?

A. Hydrochloric acid

B. Hydrofluoric acid

C. Sulphuric acid

D. Sulphurous acid

  1. Which fibre is known as artificial silk?

A. Cotton

B. Rayon

C. Terylene

D. Acrylic

  1. What is the first element in the periodic table?

A. Hydrogen

B. Helium

C. Lithium

D. Zinc

  1. What is the pH value of pure water?

A. 7

B. 6

C. 5

D. 8