General Knowledge : : Chemistry Questions & Answers

  1. Which of the following metals forms an amalgam with other metals?

A. Tin

B. Mercury

C. Lead

D. Zinc

  1. An aqueous solution of copper sulphate is acidic in nature because the salt undergoes:

A. Dialysis

B. Electrolysis

C. Hydrolysis

D. Photolysis

  1. The tip of the matchstick contains:

A. Phosphorus pentoxide

B. White phosphorus

C. Red phosphorus

D. Phosphorus trichloride

  1. Cobalt - 60 is commonly used in radiation therapy because it emits:

A. Alpha rays

B. Beta rays

C. Gamma rays

D. X - rays

  1. In an atom, the order of filling up of the orbitals is governed by:

A. Aufbau's principle

B. Heisengberg's uncertainty principle

C. Hund's rule

D. Pauli’s exclusion principle