General Knowledge : : Chemistry Questions & Answers

  1. The offending substance in the liquor tragedies leading to blindness etc. is:

A. Ethyl alcohol

B. Benzyl alcohol

C. Methyl alcohol

D. Amyl alcohol

  1. Which of the following is an active component of oil of clove?

A. Menthol

B. Eugenol

C. Methanol

D. Benzaldehyde

  1. Deficiency of which vitamin results in inflammation of skin and eczema along with diarrhoea?

A. Ascorbic acid

B. Folic acid

C. Nicotinic acid

D. Pantothenic acid

  1. The water pollution in river is measured by the dissolved amount of:

A. Chlorine

B. Ozone

C. Nitrogen

D. Oxygen

  1. The main active constituent of tea and coffee is:

A. nicotine

B. chlorophyll

C. caffeine

D. aspirin