General Knowledge : : Indian Geography Questions & Answers

  1. In which State of India, Fulhar Lake is situated?

A. Madhya Pradesh

B. Uttarakhand

C. Uttar Pradesh

D. Jammu & Kashmir

  1. On which one of the following rivers is located Indo-Pak Bagalihar Project?

A. Sutlej

B. Jhelum

C. Chenab

D. Beas

  1. The lower Gangetic plain is characterised by humid climate with high temperature throughout the year. Which one among the following pairs of crops is most suitable for this region?

A. Paddy and cotton

B. Wheat and Jute

C. Paddy and Jute

D. Wheat and cotton

  1. The state having the highest rainfall by North East Monsoon is?

A. Assam

B. West Bengal

C. Tamil Nadu

D. Orissa

  1. Which one of the following causes rainfall in the north-western parts of india during winter season?

A. Cyclonic depression

B. Retreating monsoon

C. Western disturbances

D. South West monsoon