General Knowledge : : Inventions Questions & Answers

  1. Who invented the mobile phone?

A. Martin Cooper

B. Thomas Edison

C. Marie Curie

D. Hiram Walker

  1. Who invented Dynamite?

A. Sir Alexander Graham Bell

B. Benjamin Franklin

C. Thomas Alva Edison

D. Alfred B. Nobel

  1. Who invented Bicycle(pedal)?

A. Leo H Baekeland

B. Karl Benz

C. Evangelista Torricelli

D. Kirkpatrick Macmillan

  1. Who invented the battery?

A. John Wilkinson

B. Alessandro Volta

C. James Hargreaves

D. Thomas Edison

  1. Who is the inventor of Telescope?

A. Hans Lipperhey

B. John Dalton

C. Albert Einstein

D. John Venn