General Knowledge : : Physics Questions & Answers

  1. Fat can be separated from milk in a cream separator because of:

A. Cohesive Force

B. Gravitational Force

C. Centripetal Force

D. Centrifugal Force

  1. Water is used in hot water bags because?

A. It is easily available

B. It has high specific gravity

C. It has high specific heat

D. It is a liquid substance

  1. The instrument used for measuring humidity in air is:

A. Anemometer

B. Hygrometer

C. Thermometer

D. Pyrheliometer

  1. The change of a solid into vapour directly is called:

A. Vaporization

B. Freezing

C. Melting

D. Sublimation

  1. Which of the following electromagnetic waves has the longest wavelength?

A. Infrared Rays

B. Gamma Rays

C. Light Rays

D. Ultraviolet Rays