General Knowledge : : Physics Questions & Answers

  1. Weight of a body is a?

A. Vector quantity

B. Scalar quantity

C. Negative quantity

D. All

  1. According to the Newton’s Universal law of gravitation, “Every body in the universe attracts every other body with a force which is?

A. directly proportional to the product of their masses

B. directly proportional to the distance between them

C. directly proportional to the product of forces

D. directly proportional to the product of their radius

  1. The weight of the body is given by?

A. W = ma

B. W = mg

C. W = mv

D. W = ms

  1. The mass of the body will?

A. Ramain same everywhere

B. Be equal to its weight

C. Greater at mountains

D. Change from place to place

  1. The statement algebraic sum of the current meeting at a node zero.

A. Lenz's law

B. Kirchoff's law

C. Ampere's law

D. Faraday's law