General Knowledge : : Physics Questions & Answers

  1. Which law is also called law of inertia?

A. Newton First Law

B. Newton Second Law

C. Newton Third Law

D. All

  1. The energy possessed by a body due to its motion is called?

A. Kinetic Energy

B. Potential Energy

C. Rotaional Energy

D. Mechanical Energy

  1. Force of attraction between the molecules of different substances is called?

A. Surface tension

B. Cohesive Force

C. Adhesive Force

D. Gravitational Force

  1. What is Hooke's Law?

A. stress is inversely proportional to strain

B. stress is directly proportional to strain

C. stress and strain are dependent on each other

D. stress and strain are independent of each other

  1. Which of the following is an electromagnetic wave?

A. Cathode rays

B. Sound wave

C. Ultrasonic wave

D. Infrared rays