General Knowledge : : Physics Questions & Answers

  1. Pure water freezes at what temperature?

A. 32 °F

B. 47 °F

C. 0 °F

D. 19 °F

  1. When two bodies stick together after the collision, then the collision is said to be:

A. Partially elastic

B. Perfectly elastic

C. Completely inelastic

D. None

  1. The total energy of a particle vibrating in SHM is proportional to the square of its

A. Acceleration

B. Velocity

C. Amplitude

D. None

  1. An air bubble in water will act like a:

A. Convex Lens

B. Convex Mirror

C. Concave Lens

D. Concave Mirror

  1. Optical fibre works on the principle of:

A. Total internal reflection

B. Refraction

C. Scattering

D. Interference