General Knowledge : : Physics Questions & Answers

  1. The strongest force in the nature is:

A. Electric Force

B. Gravitational Force

C. Nuclear Force

D. Magnetic Force

  1. The fuel used in nuclear power plants is:

A. U-235

B. U-238

C. U-236

D. U-239

  1. Which one of the following is printed on a commonly used fluorescent tube light?

A. 220 K

B. 273 K

C. 6500 K

D. 9000 K

  1. A uniform magnetic field is represented by?

A. Closed curves

B. Parallel Lines

C. Convergent lines

D. Divergent lines

  1. Newton's first law is also called as?

A. Law of Moments

B. Law of Inertia

C. Law of Energy

D. Law of Momentum