Verbal Reasoning : : Coding and Decoding Questions & Answers

  1. If PAINT is coded as 74128 and EXCEL is coded as 93596,then how is ACCEPT written in that code?

A. 455978

B. 547978

C. 554978

D. 735961

  1. If in a certain code, TWENTY is written as 863985 and ELEVEN is written as 323039, how is TWELVE written in that code ?

A. 863203

B. 863584

C. 863903

D. 863063

  1. If the letters in PRABA are coded as 27595, and THILAK are coded as 368451, how can BHARATHI be coded ?

A. 37536689

B. 57686535

C. 96575368

D. 96855368

  1. If DELHI is coded as 73541 and CALCUTTA as 82589662, how can CALICUT be coded ?

A. 5279431

B. 5978213

C. 8251896

D. 8543691

  1. If GIVE is coded as 5137 and BAT is coded as 924, how is GATE coded ?

A. 5427

B. 5724

C. 5247

D. 2547