Multiplication Tricks

Multiply by 11

By using two simple steps and we can find result.Find ab X 11.where a and b are +ve numbers and a,b≠0

STEP 1: First and last digits remain the same,unless there is a carry. i.e [a__b]

STEP 2: Inserting the sum of adjacent pairs of digit sequentialy in between.i.e [a(a+b)b]

Only the leftmost part can have more than one digit. For the rest of the parts, we need to carry over the number preceding the units digit, to the immediate left part , and add it there respectively.

Lets see some examples:

Example 1: Find out 25 X 11.

STEP 1: 2__5

STEP 2: 2+5=7, result = 275

Example 2: Find out 34 X 11.

STEP 1: 3__4

STEP 2: 3+4=7, result = 374

Example 3: Find out 334 X 11.

STEP 1: 3__4

STEP 2: 3+3=6,3+4=7, 3-6-7-4, result = 3674

Example 4: Find out 679 X 11.

STEP 1: 6__9

STEP 2:6+7=13,7+9=16,6-13-16-9 [Simply send the 1 from the tens column to the left and add it to the 13 to get 14 and then send the 1 from the 100's column to the left and add it to the 7 to get the final answer], result=7469

Example 5: Find out 1234 X 11.

STEP 1: 1__4

STEP 2:1+2=3,2+3=5,3+4=7, 1-3-5-7-4,result=13574

Example 6: Find out 2346 X 11.

STEP 1: 2__6

STEP 2:2+3=5,3+4=7,4+6=10, 2-5-7-10-6,[Simply send the 1 from the unit place to the left and add it to the 7 to get the final answer],result = 25806