Multiplication Tricks

Multiplication of a number by 9

By using four simple steps and we can find result.

STEP 1: Insert a separator before the 1's digit of the multiplicant.

STEP 2: Add 1 to the number before the separator.

STEP 3: Subtract the output from the multiplicand which gives the left side answer.

STEP 4: Subtract the last digit[i.e after the separator of the multiplicant ] from 10.

Lets see some examples:

Example 1: Find out 25 X 9.

STEP 1: 2__5 [Here __ is used for separator.]

STEP 2: 2+1=3

STEP 3: 25 -3 =22 [left side answer]

STEP 4: 10-5=5 [right side answer]

STEP 5: Combining the left side and right side together we will get our final result i.e 225.

Example 2: Find out 334 X 9.

STEP 1: 33__4 [Here __ is used for separator.]

STEP 2: 33+1=34

STEP 3: 334 -34 =300 [left side answer]

STEP 4: 10-4=6 [right side answer]

STEP 5: Combining the left side and right side together we will get our final result i.e 3006.