Squaring Tricks

Squaring 2 digit number ending with 1

We can very eaisly calculate the square of a 2 digit number ending with 1.

STEP 1: Subtract 1 to the given number.

STEP 2: Square the output of STEP 1.

STEP 3: Add the original number and output of STEP 1.

STEP 4: Add the output of STEP 2 and output of STEP 3.

Example 1: Find square of 31?

STEP 1: (31 - 1 =30)

STEP 2: $(30)^2=900$

STEP 3: (31 + 30 =61)

STEP 4: 900 + 61 = 961

Example 2: Find square of 81?

STEP 1: (81 - 1 =80)

STEP 2: $(80)^2=6400$

STEP 3: (81 + 80 =161)

STEP 4: 6400 + 161 = 6561